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Tips on Microsoft Outlook
As quickly as the Internet grew, we became dependent on email.  Email is many people’s preferred method of communication, some businesses demand an email, while others just dabble with it occasionally.  Regardless of who you are, whether you are a power user or simply one of the millions that have an email address, everyone uses email!

There are a plethora of email providers, all with a loyal following and disgruntled former (and current) users, from free mail at Yahoo (ymail) and Google (gmail) and the enormous array of email hosts, but the number 1 email program is (and always will be) Microsoft Outlook!

Today’s tech tips will be focused on Outlook and how to use it better.  For you power users, if you have more tips to share, send them to me and I’ll add them to the list.

  • Dying to turn off alerts, chimes, and pop-up reminders?
    Click on Options > Rules or Message > Rules and create a rule that only displays emails from select addresses
  • Sync your iPhone to your Outlook and manage all your contacts easily and have a backup
    • Connect your iPhone to your computer, iTunes opens automatically
    • In iTunes, in the source list, under Devices, click the entry for your iPhone
    • Click the Info tab
    • Under Contacts, click Sync contacts from, and then click Outlook
    • Click All contacts
    • Click Apply
  • Want to link contacts to outside documents or databases so you can access them anywhere?
    Click on View > People Pane > Link Contacts so that your data can stay up to date with you
  • Trying to figure out how to enable or disable message previewing?
    Click on View > Message Preview and then toggle this option on our off depending on your preferences.  Many consider Preview Message as a handy way to scan for important emails (which makes efficient composition of email subject lines and first paragraphs even more crucial)

As email evolves, so has the dreaded SPAM messages, soon I will write a “Tech Tip” on dedicated email, the benefits and detriments.


John McCann
John McCann & Associates, Inc.
IT Management for Small Business
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