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My iPhone 4S
I have long enjoyed the iPhone, it would be braggadocios to say I was the first in our area to own one and utilize its vast technology to my advantage.  Instead, I can honestly admit that I am hooked on the iPhone and absolutely LOVE my 4S (the S stands for Siri).

My marketing manager has admittedly fought the upgrade from his so-called “less than intelligent phone” to a smart phone of the iPhone variety, so it was much to my delight to learn of his recent purchase and integration of an iPhone 4S into his world.  After only 2 weeks, he admitted to how useful it is and how easy it has been to learn and use.  His method was to utilize individual aspects of the phone instead of many functions at once, first was his numerous contacts; this is where I introduced him to the iCloud.

The iCloud enable him to upload his contacts from his PC to the server and download the data back to his phone in just seconds (this also worked great with his pictures).

Music was next on his “To Do” list, so I brought iTunes into his life.  iTunesworks much like iCloud, except with music being the primary data source, it also allows him to purchase music, categorize and manage his collection easily.

Apps were the most fun thing we shared, he knew that the 4S was versatile, but was completely blown away at the unlimited abilities of the iPhone that Apps bring to the table.  He loved the default Poker game that was on his other phone, so we researched and installed a similar game, he admitted to enjoying the Solitaire game on his PC; I immediately downloaded and installed a version derived directly like his PC game.  Now his idle time is filled with digital phone games again and to a much more enjoyable level.

Every now and then I like to “poke” my friend with comments like “Do you want to get you old Blackberry back?” or “Ready to throw away that iPhone yet?” he always smiles and says how much he was missing with his old phone and how happy he is with the iPhone!


John McCann
John McCann & Associates