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iPhone Tips 4
More and more I see people using the iPhone and I see a lot of the other cell phone companies trying to mimic the iPhone.  When you create something so revolutionary, it will be accepted and it will also be imitated.  Apple should be flattered and proud that they are now (in my opinion) the leader in the cell phone/mobile internet products.

Here are a few more tips you can use on your iPhone:

  • Text messages with a character count can be important if you are posting it to Twitter a well as a text, both have character limits.  Here’s how to count your characters; while in SETTINGS > tap MESSAGES > then tap CHARACTER COUNT.  Now you will see the count as you type, so if additional fees apply you can adjust accordingly.
  • Adjust your iPhone camera easily, just tap the screen where you would like it to focus on and your iPhone will adjust the settings for maximum picture quality and white balance.
  • If you are big into social media, then you can easily update and get updated from your friends on Facebook and Twitter from the NotificationCenter on your iPhone.  Ever wonder how your friends are always one step ahead of you, they use this feature!
  • If you enjoy listening to music on your iPhone, then here’s how to create a custom playlist of your favorite artists and songs.  While in the MUSIC App > tap PLAYLIST > ADD PLAYLIST & name the new list > tap any song you wish to add to your new custom playlist.


John McCann
John McCann & Associates