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iPhone Tips 3
I have received so many requests for more iPhone tips than I could have ever imagined.  It is fun to talk about the iPhone, so here are a few more nuggets you may enjoy!  PS: Feel free to contact me through my Tech Tips with specific questions regarding your iPhone.

  • Reboot your iPhone – Your iPhone is your mobile computer and like most computers, you may experience slower than normal performance occasionally.  Simply reboot your iPhone to resolve most issues.
  • Take Better Pictures – Many people love their iPhone just because of the quality pictures.  Your iPhone has a High Dynamic Range (HDR) setting that will make a noticeable improvement in your photo taking abilities.  Using HDR, your iPhone will take 3 photos in rapid succession, at different light exposure settings.  iPhone then stitches the three images together providing the best possible photo.  Turn on HDR by tapping “Options” and toggling the “HDR” feature.
  • Focus – Autofocus on your iPhone is very good, it can identify faces and adjust the white balance and exposure for better focus, but if you are someone that understands photography, auto focus is just the beginning.  While your iPhone is focused on the face of the newly engaged lady for example, if you tap on the ring she is proudly displaying it will re-focus on her ring.  This also works well on video.


John McCann
John McCann & Associates