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Customer RelationsClick here to watch the video:

Our founder and owner, John McCann, based his company on ethical and moral values. We firmly believe that our relationship with the small businesses and individuals we serve is important. One of our primary goals is to be more than the “Computer Repair Guys”, we strive to form a relationship based on trust, respect, value and service.  At John McCann & Associates, we are your friend and resource for your business (& your computer repair guys).

When you need help, we respond! Our highly trained and experienced technicians provide the 3 S’s you need in a computer repairman:

#1  Service – we arrive on time and stay on budget
#2  Solutions – experience and continuing education keeps us on top of the computer industry
#3  Support – more than just computer repair, we support your small business by utilizing our referral network and recommend your services to the appropriate other small business owners


Our core values contain the three basic concepts of Christian beliefs:
God: We worship our heavenly father and are proud to be a representation of his great work in our daily walk thru life
Others: Love, Honor and Respect others and your life will be bountiful and rewarding
Self: Our love of self is not an egotistical representation, it’s a deep Christian belief that it’s difficult to love others without loving oneself


The satisfaction of our clients is more important than the business itself! We earn the respect and appreciation of our clients and return that two fold. Any quality computer repair technician can repair your computer and/or network, we aim to be much more. Our relationship with our clients supersedes the physical work of computer repair.


We plan to not only meet the needs and requirements of our clients, we will exceed them! It’s the service above and beyond the expected work that people remember and appreciate.



John McCann
John McCann & Associates, Inc.
IT Management for Small Business
Computer Services, Solutions & Support