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We always recommend to all our clients the 4 best computer practices:

  1. Antivirus Protection
  2. Surge Protection & Battery Backup
  3. Security
  4. Data Backups

#1 Antivirus Protection:

We strongly recommend a 3 step approach for virus protection.
Industry Leading Software: There are numerous industry leaders for virus protection software available for purchase or download. If you prefer the “Name Brand” or the “Generic” more cost efficient version, we can help you decide what works best for your situation.
Automated Updates: New computer threats arise often, without proper updates the software is unable to combat many of the newer issues. Automated software updates is easy, efficient and keeps your computer protected.
Weekly Scans: Regardless of brand of computer (PC or Mac) all computers are susceptible to viruses. Weekly scans will provide a high level of protection or a regular basis and thwart potential issues from entering your computer.

#2 Surge Protection & Battery Backup:

We recommend 2 types of workstation protection.
Surge Protection: Quality surge protection will protect your workstation from many electrical issues and potentially save you thousands of dollars in repairs, replacements or data loss.
Battery Backups: An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) a quality UPS will allow you the benefit of stopping your work session vs major damages that could arise from sudden power loss

#3 Security:

Secure passwords and pass codes keep your information safer and less vulnerable to being stolen. We recommend all digital devices that will accept a pass code lock have it utilized.
Alpha Numeric – use characters and numbers in your password
Punctuation & Capitalization – adding a capital letter to your password significantly increases the strength
Special Characters – hash tags, dashes, pipes and exclamation points greatly improve the pass code
Character Count – a strong, secure password should contain a minimum of 8 or more characters

#4 Data Backups:

We suggest the 2 industry leaders in computer data backup software:

  1. MozyPro
  2. Carbonite

Both provide quality, safe, cloud based backup of your data and very easy accessibility to your information and they are fast too. Once installed, the software should be verified to ensure it is copying all you information and a test restore should be run periodically.



John McCann
John McCann & Associates, Inc.
IT Management for Small Business
Computer Services, Solutions & Support