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Basic Computer Tips
So many of us grow up with computers and become adjusted to the features and functions we use and enjoy most frequently, but what about all the other cool and productive things our PC’s and Mac’s have available for us?  I did some research and found a few of the common but often overlooked features our computers have to offer.

  • Switch from one open program to another by pressing “ALT-TAB” on your PC, use “COMMAND-TAB” on your MAC.
  • When working in a document, email or viewing a web page, you can double click a word to highlight and copy it.
  • When filling out an online form, you can jump to the next box with the “TAB” key, use “SHIFT” to jump back.
  • Text on any page you are viewing can easily be enlarged or reduced by holding the “CRTL” key and pressing the plus or minus key.
  • You can quickly and easily access your desktop by holding the Windows key and pressing “D”, on a Mac press “F11”.
  • While viewing a web page, click the “SPACE BAR” to scroll down a page, use the “SHIFT” key to scroll up.

If you have some computer tips and/or productivity tips to share, send them to us by commenting on this post.  We welcome your comments and questions here on our Tech Tips, we will typically respond within 48 hours or sooner.

John McCann
John McCann & Associates